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3 Pass 3 Card Patience Solitaire

Want 3 times the Patience Solitaire excitement? Try your solitaire hand at 3 Card 3 Pass Patience Solitaire, one of Card Game Patience's epic Patience Solitaire games! Not one but three cards will be dealt to Patience Solitaire players when they click the deck at the top left corner of the solitaire board. Another intriguing difference between this 3 card Patience Soliatire game and the first one on 24/7 is that soliatire players are only given three passes through the deck. Limiting the number of passes through the card deck makes this free online solitaire game fun and challenging!

Patience Solitaire Foundations

  • Win 3 card 3 pass Patience Solitaire by transferring all the the cards to the four open foundations.
  • 3 Card 3 Pass Patience is 24/7 Patience's mid-level 3 Card Patience Solitaire game
  • Achieve 3 stars with 3 Card 3 Pass Solitaire!


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